Issue 5817: 21 October 2022

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The Ringing World issue 5817
Title Author Page
On the Cover - St Gastyn, Llangasty, Wales Claire Alexander 990
Book Review – Bells by Jaan Whitehead Gareth Davies 991
Bangor University Freshers’ Week 2022 Harvey Plows 992
Letters to the Editor 993
Minor Jottings Mary Jones 993
Leicester win the Robert B Smith Trophy Kate Astill 994
A few corrections to the Felstead Database John Eisel 995
What’s Hot on BellBoard Will Bosworth 996
In memoriam – Gordon Peek 996
Peal Reports 997
Quarter Peal Reports 999
Notices 1002
Obituary – David Andrews David Adams 1003
CCCBR Executive Notes Ernie de Legh Runciman 1004
OUS celebrations carry on Simon Bond 1004
Merseyside man of steel Nick Willasey and Julie Watkinson 1005
Thought for the week Michael Stephens 1007
Down the Pub AJ Barnfield 1007
School spirit at Tewkesbury Comprehensive Sheila Taylor 1007
The image of the week - Scilly Isles Jenny Croft 1008
Peal up a Tree Lucas Bent 1008
Doreen Sanderson - 93 and going strong David Potter 1008

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