Issue 5914 (30/08/2024) contents

Title Author Page
On the Cover - Drewsteignton, Devon Neil Thomas 798
Welcome to Devon! Tim Bayton 798
Writing a new guild history Lester Yeo 799
More than just a logo - new Bellringing branding Tina Stoecklin 800
Celebrating 150 years of ringing history - how it all began Les Boyce 801
Letters to the Editor 802
Meet your Ringing 2030 Workgroup Leads 803
Peal Reports 804
Eighth and Quarter Peal Reports 805
Ladies Guild - A successful new venture Elizabeth Smith 809
Alderney goes Turquoise Catherine Turner 811
Woodlands reaches 500 peals (Part 2) Phil Gay 813
Obituary – Ronald J Brown Beth Johnson 815
Notices 816
Fearless ringers Rod Lebon 816
’I’d love a ring at Quex’ Sue Hall 817
Handbells around Ludlow Helen Wells, Paul Wells, Julie Quinn 818
Thought for the week Malcolm Bowers 819
Olympic bell legacy for Notre Dame Christopher Teasdale 819
Rope trick Lizzie Wood 819
The Image of the week Paul Wells 820
Spliced at Liverpool Cathedral Allison Devine 820

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