BellBoard | |
Frequently Asked Questions
Other useful linksYou may find the feature you are looking for here: BellBoard features You can email us for help on anything to do with The Ringing World or BellBoard at Where is my account activation email?When you sign up for a BellBoard account you’ll be sent an email with a registration link in it. You must click on the link to activate your account. You won’t be able to log in until you do this. The emails are sent out almost instantaneously upon registration. We find that when people haven’t received this email, in almost all cases it’s in your spam or junk folder. The next most common cause of problems is a difference between the email address you are trying to use to sign in and the email address you have actually registered with. Where is my performance?If you think you’ve submitted a performance but you can’t find it again, you can see a list of everything you’ve submitted by going to Amend in the main menu. If you can’t see it there, you probably didn’t finish the performance submission process. How do I group performances together?To create an event with associated performances you need to go through the Diary, and choose Create Event. If you want other people to be able to link performances to your event, tick ’Performances’ after ’Do you want to allow other BellBoard users to link performances or attempts to this event?’ If you want performances linked to this event to be printed together in The Ringing World, tick the box next to ’Hold performances to be printed together in The Ringing World’. If you’re not sure, tick this box and then email for advice. Why can’t I edit a performance?This might be because you didn’t submit the performance. If you can’t contact the submitter to do it, email us with clear instructions. How do I correct a performance?If you know there is a mistake with a performance, click on the pencil icon ✎ at the top and choose ’Submit correction’. We usually respond to correction requests within a day. How do I link a performance to an event?Go to the performance page, click on the pencil icon ✎ at the top, and choose ’Link to event’. You will see a list of events that match the date of your performance. If the event you are looking for is not in the list, scroll down and look for the link to ’search the diary for the correct event’. You can only link a performance to an event if you submitted the performance and the creator of the event has allowed other users to link performances to it. How do I add a photo?To link a photo to a performance that you have uploaded, go to the performance page. Click on the pencil icon ✎ and choose ‘Upload photo’. Please check the following form carefully and
Or, to add a photo without linking it to a performance, click on Add photo in the main menu. If you need us to link a photo to a performance, ensure that the caption is clear and then email us. I rang a quarter peal in 1975. Why isn’t it on BellBoard?BellBoard is a complete record of quarter peals and peals rung around the world since it was set up in 2012. Before 2012, it is an incomplete record, with the following notes:
You are welcome to enter your historical records onto BellBoard. If you have a specific and narrow query - for example, you only rang one quarter peal and you know exactly when it was - we are often happy to help you track it down in the Ringing World records so that it can be entered on BellBoard. The Ringing World and many independent volunteers are improving the completeness and accuracy of BellBoard all the time. There are several complete subsets of records, for example everything rung by one individual, or all the peals or quarter peals for a single tower or even society.
When I search for my tower’s records, some have different dedications listed. Can you correct them?We don’t usually make these kind of changes. Dedications can be sensitive areas where there’s no right answer, or there are local preferences, or historically changing preferences. Another common case is suburbs – e.g. Birmingham, Harborne vs Harborne, Birmingham. We prefer to leave it to the submitter (or in the case of historical performances we try to align to what was originally published) and the BellBoard auto-correct just aligns with whatever Dove’s Guide lists – so BellBoard doesn’t get involved in the debate. Most of the time, the only reason people usually have for asking for the corrections is a wish to see a whole list of entries looking exactly the same. Under the hood all the performances will almost certainly be linked to the same, correct tower – we’ll be releasing some new functionality very soon to allow you to search by tower ID regardless of presentation, but in most cases a suitable search will find all the results you need. The ’pipe’ symbol | , which means ’or’, can be useful: e.g. ’Llangors|Llangorse’ will return all submissions under either spelling. We are always happy to correct clear errors - use the ’Submit correction’ mechanism from the pencil menu at the top of the performance record, or send an email to | |
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