1265 Stedman Triples
Composed by Daniel W Brady
 2314567  4  5 10 12 13 
 3175426        a
 1324756        b
 3124        s         
 2431     -        -  - |A
 4231        s          |
 1342           A
 3142657        c     
 4231     -        -  - |B
 2431           s       |
 4213          2B
 1342     -        -  -

a = 1.s4. (16)
b = 4s.7.9s.11 (12)
c = 2.10.11

Contains all 24x 56/65
21x 468's, including Queens and Whittingtons.
Also inlcudes Backrounds and 57 CRUs

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This composition contains queens, reverse-rounds, 57 CRUs and 68 four-bell runs.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 2 March 2014 at Maidstone.