2013 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by S A Croxall
1 4  5 6 7 (2346578)
  ss   5*   42365
s s         52346 
-      4    42356
     - - -  2347856
       5    4237856 
     - - -  2345678

5* = - s - - s
4 = - - s –
5 = s - - s -

Start at backstroke with rounds having been 
struck as the 3rd change of the lead, with a single 
immediately to put 78 the correct way round, and a
variable hunt single (pn 1234) instead of the
usual 14 before the lead end, to restore the 
treble to the hunt.

H 12345678  S  3678
B 21354678     X
H 12536487     58
B 21356847     X
  12538674     18
  15283764     X
  51827346     58
  15287436     X 
  51824763     36
  15842736     X
  51487263 VHS 1234
  51482736     X
  15847263     18

This composition was rung on Tuesday, 31 December 2013 at Brancepeth.