5024 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by Paul M Mason (No.363)

5024 Lessness Surprise Major
by Paul M Mason (No.363)
M  I  F  B  T  V  W  H  23456
                     -  42356
                  -  2  43526
            S  S        26354
3              S        2735468
3  -           S     -  2736458
         -        -     4726358
         -        -     3746258
         S     S        32465
3  -  S     S  -        24365
   -           -        43265
            S  S        65324
            S  S  2  -  54326
                  2  2  23456
80 crus, Queens, Tittums, Backrounds, Reverse Waterfall
Contains ALL 17 near misses (7 single, 10 combination)
Off the back:
24 each 56s & 65s
92 x 4-bell runs (inc 42 LB4)
16 x 5-bell runs
6  x 6-bell runs
24 x 8765, 6 x 2468
Off the front:
81 x 4-bell runs (inc 49 LB4)
16 x 5-bell runs
14 each 5678 & 8765
12 x 4321, 11 x 1234, 10 x 5432, 8 x 2345

This composition was rung on Tuesday, 8 October 2024 at Nuthall.