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Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by
J W Holdsworth (No.3)
23456 M I B F V W H ----------------------------------- 24356 s } 42635 F/I s } 372546 - - } A 45263 s 2 } 62354 s - s } 42356 s } ----------------------------------- 34256 A ----------------------------------- 32456 s 23645 F/I s 473526 - - 357246 s s - 327546 s- 25364 - 63452 s - s 23456 s ----------------------------------- 24 5678, 8765, 6578; 50 little bell runs at the back. 24 5678, 8765; 52 little bell runs off the front. Backrounds, Kings, Queens, Tittums. Rung at Cleckheaton on 13th September 2015. This composition was rung on Sunday, 12 December 2021 at Dunblane. | |
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