5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox
5,216 (5,024) Bristol Surprise Major
Anthony J Cox
23456   M  B  F  I  V  W  H
43526                  2  1
25346                  2  2
26543   2                 1
357246  2     -       [2* 2*]
23564            -        2
53624                  2  1
26354                  2  2
23645   2     -  -     1  2
46325                  2  2
24365            -  1  2  2
25463   2                 1
725364  2  -  ss    2
347265           -     5*
23456            -        2
2*=SB, 5*=BSBBS.
141 cru's. 24 7568 8765, 12 2468. Queens. For 5120 replace [2* 2*] with W, or replace 5* with 2W. For 5024 use both reductions.

This composition was rung on Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at Meldreth.