1259 Grandsire Caters
Composed by Traditional
 23456978  7 in & out at 3 with Double
 63452     89S
 23465     9 Before with S & 89S
 42365     9 in & 2
 34265     9 in & 2
 43265879  9 in & out at 2 with Double
 24365     8 in & 2
 32465     8 in & 2
 43265978  8 in & out at 2 & 89S
 24365     9 in & 2
 32465     9 in & 2
 23465879  9 in & out at 2 with Double
 42365     8 in & 2
(32547698) 8 in & 2

This composition was rung on Sunday, 1 December 2019 at Ashford.