5024 Painswick Surprise Major
Composed by J W Holdsworth
23456    V   f   B   b   M   W   F   I   H
64523    -   -                   F/I/B   3
35264    -   -                           3
42635    -                       -       3
42356                -                   -
63542    -   -                             }
25463    -   -                           3 } A
34625    -                       -         }
34256                -                   - }
23456                A*
A* = A ommitting 3H.
18 5678, 8765; 58 little bell runs at the back.
18 8765; 12 5678; 44 little bell runs off the front.
Backrounds, Queens.

This composition was rung on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 at Alloa.