5000 Spliced Royal (8 Methods)
Composed by A G Reading
800 each Aray Delight, Elgin Surprise, Skye Delight, Vital Spark Surprise; 720 Loch Fyne Alliance; 480 Midas Little Surprise; 320 Kingsbury Little Surprise; 280 Hurricane Jack Differential; 139 com; atw for all 10-bells.
 5000 Spliced Royal (8 Methods)
 A G Reading
 1234567890 Hurricane Jack Differential 
-8675341290 Loch Fyne Alliance 
 8746523019 Aray Delight
-8567341290 Midas Little Surprise 
-8756341290 Elgin Surprise 
 8674523019 Kingsbury Little Surprise
 8537169402 Skye Delight
 8462705931 Vital Spark Surprise 
 8315970624 Vital Spark Surprise 
 8240697153 Skye Delight 
 8193052746 Kingsbury Little Surprise 
 8029416375 Elgin Surprise 
-8190234567 Midas Little Surprise 
-8019234567 Aray Delight 
 8902416375 Loch Fyne Alliance

10 part.

800 each Aray Delight, Elgin Surprise, Skye Delight, Vital Spark Surprise; 720 Loch Fyne Alliance; 480 Midas Little Surprise; 320 Kingsbury Little Surprise; 280 Hurricane Jack Differential; 139 com; atw for all 10 bells.

194 7890,... etc anywhere within the change
194 0987,... etc anywhere within the change
742 4-bell runs (Inc 210 6-bell runs) at the back. 
560 4-bell runs (Inc 140 6-bell runs) off the front.

Also on complib:

This composition was rung on Sunday, 4 August 2019 at Westminster.