5200 Stedman Cinques
Composed by L J Woodward
 321547698E0  6   19 
 21346587E90 (30)
 3142         -    3 |
 4123         -    3 |A
 2143         2      |
 2134657890E  2.5s.9.10.13s.14.15.18
 2143            A
 21346578E90  1s.2.5s.9s.14.15.18
 2143            A
 2134658709E  2.5s.9s.13s.14.15.18
 2143            A
 213465879E0  1s.9s.13s.18.22
 2143              2

Rounds with a bob

3 = s-s
2 = -s

Start at backstroke with the fourth change of a Quick Six

This composition was rung on Sunday, 4 August 2019 at Quex Park.