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Stedman Caters
Composed by
M R Eccleston
(324165879) 1 5 6 15 16 ------------------------------- 325164 S | 314265 (a) | 1234 - S - | 1423 - | A 435261 - - | 534162 - - | 315264 - - - | 324165 (a) | ------------------------------- 324165987 - A ------------------------------- 324165798 - A ------------------------------- 324165978 S A ------------------------------- 324165897 - A ------------------------------- 324165789 - A ------------------------------- Round in five changes with a single at 1. Start with rounds as the fifth change of a slow six. (a) = s4-7.s10.12.14 (16) This composition was rung on Saturday, 6 July 2019 at Marsden. | |
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