5056 Vialls Delight Major
Composed by Paul M Mason


5056 Vialls Delight Major
by Paul M Mason (No.162)
B   M   W   I   F   H   23456
-               -       4273658
        -       3       3472658
        2   -          (23456)
    S   -               56432
    -   -           3   34265
    -   S       X       64523
    -               -   35426
        -   -          (3527648)
        3               3527648
-           A   -   3   23456
X = F/I/B   A = I/B/F
Queens, Kings & Waterfall
Off the back:
56 crus inc 24 each 56s & 65s
124 x 4-bell runs
33  x 5-bell runs
9   x 6-bell runs
24 each 5432, 3456, 4567, 7568, 2468
8 each 1234 & 4321
6 each 2345 & 6543
Off the front:
62 x 4-bell runs inc 10 x 8765
17 x 5-bell runs
4  x 6-bell runs


This composition was rung on Friday, 17 May 2019 at Rothwell.