1296 Spliced Major (2m)
Composed by Robert D S Brown
 234567   I  F  M  W  B  H  Methods    
 352764   -                 L.YYYYY
(573624)              -     YY.
(524367)     -     -          LY.LL.
(42635)         -             L.
 423756   -              -    YYY.LL.
 342756                  -  LLLLLLL.
 234756                  -  LLLLLLL.
 372546               -     LLLLL.YY
 274536         -           YYY.LLL
 473526         -           LLLL.LLL
(372546)        -           LLLL.
 426357      -                YY.Y
 62534          -           YYY.LLL
 35426          -  -        LLLL.Y.LLLL
 42356             -     -  LLL.LLLL.
 34256                   -  LY.
 23456                   -  LLLLLLL.   
Contains 768 Yorkshire Surprise, 528 Little Bob, with 14 changes of method, all the work. queens.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 12 May 2019 at St Albans.