5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by R J Angrave (No. 260)
23456    M    B    F    V    W    H
36452    2    -              1    2
543726                  S   (1    S
374526                       S    1)
524367             S              1
237465        -    -    S    S
342567       In
3 Part.
For 5024 call MBW only in part 2 & bracketed calls only in part 3.
24 each 5678, 8765, 7568, 5768, 6857; 18 7658; 10 7468; 50 LB4 at the back.
24 each 5678, 8765; 46 LB4 off the front.
Backrounds, Queens & Whittingtons.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 16 September 2018 at Oxford.