1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by David L Thomas (No. 108)
2345678 	M	V	H
36452   	–		2
43652   		ss	–
2345678 	2		

12 5678s (3f, 2 internal, 7b), 3 internal 6578s, 28 crus (5f, 8 internal, 15b), 106 4-bell runs (16f, 54 internal, 36b), 129 5678 combinations (36f, 54 internal, 48b), 15 8765s (4f, 4 internal, 7b), Backrounds.

This is the first time that this composition has been rung.

This composition was rung on Saturday, 16 June 2018 at Hopton by Thetford.