5152 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by Paul M Mason
complib: https://complib.org/composition/42799

5152 Lessness Surprise Major
by Paul M Mason (No.144)
M               W  H  23456
2       ST/SV         54326
    A   SF/SB         63254
-       Out           35264
        4ths    3     4273658
        In      -     52436
        ST/SV   S     46235
   4ths SF/SB         3745268
3       ST            5674328
        In   X  -     26543
        4ths          3572468
        In      -     65324
-               -  3  23456
A = Out,4ths,In
X = 4ths,In,Out
40 crus Queens, Backrounds & Waterfall
Off the back:
18 each 5678, 8765, 7568
78 LB4: 18 each 5432, 2345, 3456; 12 x 6543; 6 each 1234, 4321
Off the front:
41 LB4: inc 9 each 2345, 5432; 8 x 4321; 7 x 1234
12 x 7568
7 each 5678, 8765
Also true to Uxbridge


This composition was rung on Thursday, 12 July 2018 at Hallow.