5024 Adelaide Surprise Major
Composed by D F Morrison (#4553)
 234567       M     W  B  H
 42356                    -
 35426              -     -
 43652          F,In
(35426)                -
 24653        -     -
 35642        -  a  -     -
(54326)                -
 32546              -     -
 43526              -
 26354    sT  3    sV
 273546       3    sV
 532467   sF        2     -
 45236              -
(25346)       -     -  -
 23456              -     2
a = In,B,F.

Contains 18 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 150 runs of four or more consecutive bells either at the back or at the front.

This composition was rung on Saturday, 12 May 2018 at Dordrecht.