5056 Spliced Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no 7344)
8m: 960 Cassiobury 800 Cambridge 576 Cornwall, Lessness 544 Bristol, Glasgow, Superlative 512 London. 144 com
5,184 (5,056) Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods)
Donald F Morrison (no. 7344)  23456   W  M  B  H
 35426      -  -     E.CO.EW
 53624      2     2  L.B.B(G.B.
 65324            -  LSL.)
(36452)  -  -        CW.GCG.
 24365   -  -    [-]  EO.OC.SOWOS.
Six part, omitting [-] from
parts 2, 4 and 6.

Contains 960 Cassiobury (O), 768 Cambridge and 576 each Bristol, Cornwall (W), Glasgow, Lessness (E), London and Superlative, with 149 changes of method.
Reduce to 5,056 by, in one part, replacing the parenthesized leads and calls by a plain lead of Cambridge; contains 960 Cassiobury, 800 Cambridge, 576 each Cornwall and Lessness, 544 each Bristol, Glasgow and Superlative and 512 London, with 144 changes of method.
Either length contains 21 each 56s and 65s, 18 each 5678s off the front and 6578s off the front, 12 each 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, and, in the last course, queens and back rounds.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 29 October 2017 at Dordrecht.