5009 Stedman Cinques
Composed by M R Eccleston
2314567890E   1   7   18   19
1423657809E        (a)
435261            -   -
324165            -   -    -
3142657890E   S       S              |
1234              -   S    -   |     |
1423                  -        | A   |
435261            -   -        |     |
324165            -   -    -   |     |
-----------------------------        | B
31426578E90   -       S              |
3241                A                |
-----------------------------        |
314265789E0   S       S              |
3241                A                |
3142658709E        (b)
3241                A
134265879E0         B*
B* = B, replacing final course with 7.s16.s19
Round in three changes with a bob at 1.
(a) = 1.2.5.s8-10.s14.16.s18.s20 (20)
(b) = 1.s13.s15.s18.s22
12 567890E
12 56789E0
12 657890E
6 near misses (21, 32, 65, 87, 09, E0)
36 80T
8 front LB5 (8 12345)
63 front LB4 (23 1234, 16 4321, 8 2345, 8 5432, 8 3456)
84 back LB4 (21 2345, 21 5432, 42 6543)

This composition was rung on Thursday, 13 April 2017 at City of London.