5056 Glasgow Surprise Major
Composed by Robert D S Brown
5,056 Glasgow Surprise Major
Robert D S Brown
 234567   W  F  B  I  M  H
(54326)         3     -    
 42635    s     2     s  - 
 234756            -       
 372546         -          
 642357      -           - 
 52436                -  - 
 52364          -        - 
 32465                -    
2 part. 
Contains 56 combination rollups, 13 56s, 13 65s, 7 7568s, 13 8765s, 35 little bell at the back, and 6 8765s at the front.

This composition was rung on Saturday, 3 December 2016 at Goldhanger.