5056 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison
(25364)  B   M   W   H
 46352       s   2*
 52643       3*  s   s
 24536   -
 23546           3+
 23645       2+  6
 56342       -       -
 45362           -
 25364       5        
Start and end at the treble's backstroke snap.
2* = s -;
3* = s - -;
3+ = - - s;
2+ = - s;
6  = - - s - - s;
5  = - - s - -. 
Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 14 each 65s and 8756s, 12 each 6578s off the front and 8756s off the front, tittums, back rounds, and all 7 near misses.

This composition was rung on Thursday, 14 July 2016 at Orwell.