5094 Tretower Castle Surprise Major
Composed by Robert D S Brown
5,410 (5,094) Virginstow Surprise Major
Robert D S Brown
 234567   B  M  W  F  I  H
 35264       2  2        3
 63254          -
 352764      -        -
 573624   -
 342567            -     2
 52436          s        s
 234756      -  3     -  3
 372546   -
 642357      3     -     -
 36245          -
 42563       -  -
 42635    -              -
(32456)      2  s          
Contains 60 combination rollups, 15 56s, 4 65s, 18 7568s, 18 8765s, 7 2468s, 30 four bell runs at the back, and 17 combination rollups, 6 56s, 4 65s, 11 8765s at the front, with Queens, Tittums. For 5094, start with rounds as the 29th change of the lead. and call x=34 at M for first 2M. Also true to Rugby Surprise Major, Quedgeley Surprise Major, Yorkshire Surprise Major.


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This composition contains queens, tittums, reverse-rounds, 57 CRUs and 214 four-bell runs.

This composition was rung on Thursday, 14 April 2016 at Huntsham.