5016 Spliced Maximus
Composed by DJ Pipe
(6 methods: 1056 each Ariel, Bristol, Phobos, Zanussi; 704 Glasgow Little; 88 Slink Differential LP. 109 changes of methods, all the work.)
Slink Diff LTP (2 leads)   14523ET90786
Glasgow Little S           1534T20E8967
Phobos S                   124E5937T608   
Bristol S                  13T504826E79
Ariel S                    1E29475638T0
Zanussi S                  1T038564729E   
Zanussi S                  19E72648503T
Ariel S                    108T637594E2
Bristol S                  1796E8204T53   
Phobos S                   18607T93E524   
Glasgow Little S           167890ET2345   
88 Slink
704 Glasgow Little
1056 remainder
109 com, atw.

This composition was rung on Saturday, 27 February 2016 at City of London.