5091 Stedman Cinques
Composed by Louis PH Suggett
2314567890e   5  7  9  18 19
34215678e90  s1-2,s7,s15,18
4132             s     -           |
1243             s     -           |
2134             s  s  -           |
1423             s     -           | = A
4312             s     -           |
3241             s     -           |
2314             s  s  -           |
2314568790e  12,14,s16-19            [20]
2431568709e  1-2,s15,18
3214             A
13579E24680  3,5-6,8-9,12,16         [16]
12346587e90  s1-2,s5,7,9,11,15,s18   [20]
2413             s     -           |
4321             s     -           |
3142             s     -           |
264315           s  s s14,s16      | = B
132465       ss  s s14 -           |
3412             s     -           |
4231             s     -           |
2143             s     -  ss   *   | *with s13, s22 in the last course
1234658709e  2,s7,s9,s15,18
2143             B

Round next handstroke.

Omit one ss for 5091 (but singles at 13 and 22 must still be called in the last course of both B blocks, irrespective of whether the final ss19 is omitted)

This composition was rung on Saturday, 10 October 2015 at Birmingham.