5120 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by A B Mills
7 5 3 2 4 6 0 9 8 234567890
      -   -       902345678
      -   -      (890234567)
    -   - - -     907823456        
            -   - 789023456
    -   -        (678902345)
  -   -           567890234
  -   -          (456789023)
-   -             345678902
  s s s       s   
    -             325467890
  -   -           243657890
  s   s           643527890
    -             436527890
  -               234567890
8ths place bobs 890 singles.
Calls are relevant to the Tenors position.
2920 changes Cyclic.()rows occur at handstroke.
5 Bell runs in all but one course, which has 4 bell runs!

This composition was rung on Sunday, 30 August 2015 at Ashford.