5041 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by J H Potter
5041 Bristol S Maximus
J H Potter

32546    M    W    H
43526         -
32465    2    s    s-
64523    -    -
35426    -         -
45236         2    -
23456         -    -
Start at backstroke with a 167890ET single. 

6th at home for 67 leads, with 11 56’s and 234 little bell roll ups.
10 leads of 23456 coursing.

As an alternative, omit WHWH (at the end) and add in HMHM on 24653 co. Two less 56's, one less lbru and the 6 in 6ths for less.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 3 November 2013 at Shoreditch.