1312 Spliced Surprise Major
Composed by Mark B Davies and Tom Hinton
4m: Cambridge, Superlative, Bristol and London
23456  M  B  W  H
23564     -     -  SC.SC.
52364  3     3  -  L.B.B.C.B.B.L.
43265  -        -  CSS.CL.
32465           2  CLL.B.
32654     -     -  SC.LLL.
63254  3     3  -  L.B.B.S.B.B.L.
42356  -        -  L.SCSC.
23456           2  SLL.B. 
Bristol, Cambridge, London, Superlative contains 40 cru, Queens, Tittums

This composition was rung on Sunday, 14 June 2015 at Orwell.