5040 Redcliffe Surprise Royal
Composed by S M Austin
M   W   H  23456
1       2  36452
2   1      52364
1       2  24365
 a  1      62345
1   2   1  52436
1   1      34625
1 b 1      26543
1   1      45362
2   1      62453
1       2  23456

a = sB, B, 4ths,
    sB, B

b = B, s4ths,
    B, 4ths, s3rds

24 x 56
21 x 65
8 x 098765....
91 lb4 off the back
78 lb4 off the front
25 x .....23456
25 x .....65432
12 x ....765432

This composition was rung on Saturday, 3 January 2015 at Watford.