Tuesday, 21 June 1887 in 3h (15–1–20)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by Reverend Charles D P Davies
1 Albert H Sayer
2 Leon Willshire (C)
3 George Willshire
4 Charles Willshire
5 Thomas B Read
6 Samuel Jarman
7 John J Bristow
8 Edward Golder

BN vi 0274.0168


On Tuesday, June 21st, the band met at the tower at eight o’clock. They commenced with a peal of Grandsire Triples, particulars of which will be found in the peal column, after which some good rounds on the twelve was rung, and at twelve o’clock the bells were fired fifty times, the number of years the Queen has reigned. At 1 o’clock the band, also the gardeners and employees on the Quex Estate, and several of the tradesmen, in all about thirty-five in number, were by the kind liberality of Mr. Cotton invited to a capital dinner at the Powell Arms Inn. The chair was taken by Mr. J. Cornford (head gardener), and the vice-chair by Mr. T. B. Reed. Ample justice was done to the good things provided. Dinner over, the Chairman proposed the health of the Queen, which was heartily drank, and the National Anthem sung by all present. Then followed the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales and other members of the Royal family. The Chairman next proposed the health of Mr. Cotton and family, which was given with musical honours. Several songs and touches on the handbells were given by the band, and a very enjoyable time was spent. In the evening some good touches of Grandsire were brought round at the tower and a Royal salute of twenty-one fired on the bells, and at 8 o’clock the bells were lowered, the band going to their homes well pleased with having been successful in ringing a jubilee peal.

Jno. J. Bristow.

Church Bellhangers of Distinction