The Adelaide University Guild of Change Ringers. S.A.
Adelaide, South Australia
2 Fenton Road, Enfield North.
Friday, 24 August 1951 in 1h 35 (Size 11 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 Different Callings.).
1–2 Jonathon F Eggleton
3–4 Ronald R Dalle Nogare
5–6 Philip L Cooper (C)
First Peal of Plain Bob Minor, 'in-hand' in Australia.
First peal of Minor for all the band.
Peal rung to "initiate" the Guild's new handbells.
[Ringing Towers: No 211. Vol 47. Page 582. Date: 14September, 1951.].
[Ringing Towers (NSW Assoc.): Vol 5. No 9. Page 11. Date: October, 1951.].