1297 Grandsire Cinques
Composed by P J Flavell
234576980e  1 2 3 4 5 6
42357698e0  - - - -
34257698e0  - - - -
45237698e0    - - - -
342658709e    - - - s s
2346587e90  - s - -
4236587e90  - - - -
3426587e90  - - - -
234658790e  - s - -
423658709e  - - - -
32547698e0  - - - - *

For half muffled ringing. 67890e lie start.  148 runs front back and across the change.  All bar 4 of the runs on the back are at handstroke.  Rounds at hand at *.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 12 November 2017 at Kingston upon Thames.