1256 Spliced Maximus (4 Methods)
Composed by R W Lee
1056 Jannu S; 100 Bastow L B; 80 Slinky Differential L TP; 20 Avonlink L A; 17 changes of method.
1348 Spliced Maximus

648203T5E79 Bastow x 2
08T6E492735 Jannu x 4
ET907856342 Bastow x 2
90ET2345678 6-Slinky
6-part ringing 4-Avonlink instead of Slinky in part 6.

For 1256, miscall the last part as Bastow x 3, Jannu x 2 etc

This composition was rung on Tuesday, 10 October 2017 at City of London.