5152 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Robert W Lee

1.2.s4           (5)	3286745    |
1.2.s4.s6        (7)	3245678    |
1.2.s4           (5)	2386745    | A
1.2              (6)	4567823    |
s1.s3.5.6        (10)	6782345
1.2.s4.s6        (10)	8234567  
A                   	3456782
s1.s3.5.6        (10)	5678234  
1.2.s4.s6.8      (10)	8673254  
-------------------------------     (15)	4236785   
1.2.s7           (10)	2345786  
1.2.6.s9.s11.15  (17)	4238765   
1.2.s6.s9        (10)	7823456   
A                   	2345678

302 four-bell runs:

24 each 5678, 8765, 4567, 7654, 3456, 6543, 2345, 5432; 18 4321; 2 1234 at the back.

14 5678; 12 each 1234, 4321; 10 8765; 9 each 2345, 5432; 6 each 4567, 7654, 3456, 6543 off the front.

21 each 7568, 7658; 8 2468 at the back
3 2468 off the front

No more than two consecutive calls.

(Calling 7A gives a true 5152 with reduced music.) 

This composition was rung on Friday, 8 September 2017 at Clarborough.