1280 Spliced Surprise Major (4 Methods)
Composed by Christopher Munday
Contains 320 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Yorkshire, with 42 cru, 11 com, atw.
23456   B  M  W  H  Methods
23564   -        -  YC.CC.
52364            -  NNNNNNN.
35264            -  CCCCCCC.
63254         -     RN.NYY
42356      -     -  R.NR.
34256            -  YYYYYYY.
23456            -  RRRRRRR.
Contains 320 Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Rutland, Yorkshire, with 42 combination rollups, 11 changes of method, all the work.

This composition was rung on Sunday, 13 August 2017 at Liverpool.