1259 Spliced Caters (2m/p)
Composed by Daniel W Brady
611 Grandsire, 648 Stedman, 11 com.
(421365978) a                Stedman
 154263978  1.2.s3  (5)      Grandsire
 135262978  1.2.s3  (5)|A    Grandsire
(531462978) s6     (18)|     Stedman
(521364978) A
 145263978  1.2.s3  (5)      Grandsire
(431265879) b      (18)      Stedman
(421563879) 2A
 134265879  1.2.s3  (5)      Grandsire
a= s1.2.s7.8.9.s13 (18)
b= 1.7.18 (18)
Contains 648 Stedman, 611 Grandsire, with 11 changes of method. Course ends shown in brackets are Stedman Six ends
Changes to and from Stedman are as the treble leads at the 4th change of a quick six.

This composition was rung on Friday, 21 July 2017 at Sydney.