5040 Julie Mcdonnell Bob Major
Composed by S J Beckingham
2345678  M  FI  B  V  W  H
34256                    2
473526  (ss)    1  -
453627   3         2 (3  3
53246    3)  x        -  3
43265    s            s  3
63245                 s  3
32456    s            2  s

Repeat, omitting bracketed calls

Contains 100 cru, incl 24 56s & 65s,
24 8765s, 8 7568s, 71 little bell runs 
at the back

24 8765s, 12 5678s, 57 little bell runs
on the front

This composition was rung on Saturday, 18 March 2017 at Chiddingstone.