5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by M B Davies (from RWL from MBD from RWL)
   (42536)  M  B  W  H
    36254      2
    52463   S     -  S
    43265   -        S
    36452      -
    24653   S        S
    54362      2     S
    56342         S-
    64523      -
    24536   S     S
    63245      -  S
    34265   -  -
    32465   S-       -
    26354      -
    43652   S        S
    43426      -     -
    32546         S  S-
    42536         S

Backstroke snap start and finish.
    96 5678/8765 back or front
    24 6578 on the back
    144 LB4
    34 LB5
    12 4567/7654
    All 7 Near misses

This composition was rung on Saturday, 5 November 2016 at South Hackney.