5376 Long Lawford Delight Major
Composed by Ian Butters (arr TWG)
B/F/I        F/I/B   2345678 
  X*   SF/S2   Y     7823456
       SF/S2         5678234
  X    SF/S2         3456782
  X    SF/S2   Y     8234567
       SF/S2   Y     6782345
       SF/S2         4567823
  X    SF/S2   Y     2345678

Call X* B,F,3W,IN
The calls refer to the bell in 8ths place at the previous part end.
An arrangement of 5040 Fazeley Junction Alliance by David Hull.

Contains 18 each 5678, 8765, 4567, 7654, 3456, 6543, 2345, 5432 and 7568 front and back.

This composition was rung on Saturday, 13 December 2014 at Church Lawford.